Friday, September 18, 2009

Prompt 1

Textron Cambers, graduating class of 2008. A whole two years later and I'm back in the build but this time around I'm in the front of the class room. I stand before a full classroom and the anxiety kicks in. My teacher and I did not discuss any formal plans for me or what exactly I would be doing; I was kind of just thrown under the bus. My teacher and I have a very strong relationship outside of school and by the way she just threw me out there you would've never guessed. I did not expect it to be easy but neither did I expect to be teaching within the first 30 minutes of being in the classroom. I had just walked through the door and put down my bag when suddenly; she called me out and had me introduce myself to her first freshman class (there was another one coming shortly after). I introduced myself and the day began. They worked on their quizzes and then the bell rang. The next class was the senior class and as they all filed into the room, Mrs. A is jotting down a word of the day for me and spilling all this information into my ears and says "class, my friend will introduce herself and then start you off with the word of the day." I didn't even have time to recollect my thoughts or grasp the word that I was going to be breaking down, using in a sentence, and finding related words too. The students recognize me right away but the formal introduction is still required. I introduce myself and just like that the floor was all mine and I was teaching the word of the day. After the word of the day the students did presentations, and then they prepared to do their research papers.
The students only have half a day on Fridays and are required to leave the building once the bell rings. Time was limited in class and all the questions about the research papers had not been answered. At the end of the day Mrs. A had a meeting to go to And I still had the rest of the day left to be in the building. The bell rang and I sat in the class room as I waited for struggling students to come back to have their questions answered. Mrs. A was at her meeting and I was in the classroom teaching the students away. The students were all ready to leave with their transition sentences ready and research topics at hand. Oh boy this was a good first day.

1 comment:

  1. Wassup Ashley, its your boy Steven (El prieto del clase conyo) lol... :) You know i got some granola bars for you.!!

    The introduction to the first day of your service learning experience sounds like a very pleasant and overwhelming one, you stated that you barely had any time to collect your thoughts when you had to instruct the word of the day, which is good if you ask me because i think we engage in our best performance sometimes when put under pressure. I really would've liked to hear more about the students background, your connection to them on the first day, and their reaction to you.

    To be honest with you i think the first day of your service learning experience, although it was unexpected, was actually the best way to have been introduced into the teacher, the class, and the whole service learning experience in general. You say you were "thrown under the bus," but in all reality it's best if the rest of us could have endured the same experience. I say forget being "thrown under the bus," throw me instead under the boat with an anchor tied to my ankle. This may sound crucial and the concept of this meaning may be hard to grasp at first from face value, but i believe the best way for one to transform their self into the most perfect successful being they can conceive is by being thrown in the dungeon of the fiery dragon now and being put to the ultimate test, so that all obstacles from then on are only effortless and not an issue. This, I strongly believe, is how you mold a strong leader. In this case a teacher who can meet and over exceed the expectations of constructing, enforcing, and being the image and representation of a truly empowering affirmative action pedagogy.

    Remember we are upcoming teachers; key word there is "upcoming," meaning we are trainees in the making. We are allowed to make mistakes and not know what to do next. I prefer to commit them now and have them corrected by fellow colleagues, tutors, mentors, teachers, professors, and principals so that i may never commit them again in the future.

    Good Luck with your VIPS experience!!!
